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Sorce Dr. Myles Munroe Myles Munroe Quotes (Author of Understanding The Purpose And Power Of Woman)
“Here are a few important principles to remember with regard to the giving and receiving between males and females. When a male demands, a female reacts; she doesn’t respond. When a male gives, a female responds. When a male commits, a female submits. Nothing is more precious to a female than a committed male. Nothing is no more depressing to a female than an uncommitted male. Here’s the secret, guys: If you want a submitted female, be a committed male. It’s that simple. When a male abuses, a female refuses. Whenever a man abuses a woman, she refuses to respond. When a male shares, a female cares. If you find a man who is willing to share with the woman in his life, you will find a woman who is willing to care for her man. When a male leads, a female follows. When a man carries out his God-given responsibility for leadership, a woman responds by following his lead. Leadership does not mean being bossy, always telling others what to do. No, leadership means going ahead, not putting others in the front. Good leaders lead by example, not by decree. Jesus led by example, and so did Moses, Peter, Paul, and all the other great leaders in the Bible. Leading by example means doing ourselves the things we wish others to do.”
How can I get started as a writer?
Answer. There are many ways to become a writer. The important thing is to do your research to find your genre and it will become important to consider your budget, you will have to spend some money.
How can I self-publish my book?
Answer. Self-publishing can be done with Amazon and or Ingram Spark. You can also search Google for other ways. Just know that you will be doing far more than simply writing when you self-publish.